Merlin S5 | SciFiNow - interview with JCapps - Merlin / Emrys merge ?

Apr 19, 2012 21:46

Short Merlin S5 interview with Johnny Capps at SciFiNow

WARNING: slight spoilers for S5 + final confirmation of S5 character

Merlin Series 5: “He’s becoming much more stronger, focused and powerful”

SciFiNow spoke exclusively with co-creator Julian Murphy on Merlin Series 5

Merlin Season 4 saw King Arthur has yank excalibur from the stone, marry his fair maiden Guinevere, and the knights of the Round Table took their seats. We caught up with co-creator Julian Murphy to see what’s in store for series 5. “We’re very interested in Merlin’s development,” says Murphy, “and Arthur as the king of the Round Table and that legend. The fully fledged Camelot is something we’re getting towards, and that opens up a whole raft of legends and possibilities.”

Merlin has reluctantly killed enemies before to protect the king but as he grows in to the sorcerer of legend, Merlin seems more akin to his badass alter ego, Emrys. This is something the writers are looking to resume when the show returns. “I think it’s interesting because you saw a glimpse at the end of last series, particularly when he killed Agravaine, where he was becoming a much more stronger, focused and powerful character,” adds Murphy, “and we’re really interested in taking him on that journeywith all its dangers and the temptations it will bring, so that will be a big part of the fifth series.”

As for Merlin’s mortal enemy, Morgana, Murphy says he “doesn’t see her getting any less powerful. She’s growing into a stronger and more committed enemy than ever before. The stakes are becoming higher now that Arthur is king and the future of Albion is being created. There’s more for Merlin to fight for and more for him to protect.” It has since been revealed that another enemy will be joining Morgana this series, with actor Alexander Vlahos taking on the role of an older Mordred. Murphy told SciFiNow that “he has a job to do at the end of the story.”


Does it appear to anyone else that season five more than any of the other seasons is being heavily influenced on the reveal much more than before ? They usually steer clear away from any talk of magic, Merlin or the reveal itself or just play coy but in this recent waves of interviews it seems they are being pretty heavy handed in hinting that season five is going to be the year of Merlin and his magic.  Added to that with the unusual crack down on all social media for Merlin and filming in highly public areas kept to a bare minimum till very late, makes it all seem like they are trying to keep under cover something very huge with season five, and its not to do with Mordred even though that was not supposed to be leaked either till later on.

It seems like Colin really is intentionally bulking up to get more rough and ready for this new version of Merlin, and to be honest the thought of this series being about Merlin and the legendary Emrys merging into a powerful one entity sounds very pleasing and would bring about some interesting ideas and themes that comes with someone coming into their power fully. A part of me wonders if the reason Merlin has to finally embrace his full potential finally in season five is that with Morgana and Mordred finally meeting he must realise that a lot of what the Dragon is saying is coming to ahead much sooner than he realises, and so he cannot now just keep doing parlor tricks in secret and hope its enough to save the day.

I do have to wonder though how everyone will react to Merlin when he finally reveals himself and actually when you think about it, just how apt and matter of fact he is now at killing someone who gets in his way as we saw at the end of season four with Arthur's uncle. Added to that the darkness which comes with using the more powerful side of the force as it were, it would also be cool to actually this to be what makes Morgana and in turn Mordred begin to fear what Merlin is. Or, more to the point, WHO he is becoming. Maybe what actually makes Morgana scared of Merlin as she is supposed to be with Emrys as we saw in season four is not so much Merlin himself and him being magical, but maybe it is how easily Merlin can manipulate darkness and the more powerful magic and thus makes him a bigger threat than she ralises ?

I think that is how it will go anyway since Morgana clearly does not fear Merlin as he is now, so there needs to be something truly shocking and maybe even just a tad horrific for Morgana herself to finally start to be scared of Merlin as much as she as when she viewed the older Emrys in season four.

promo, mordred the black canary of camelot, merlin's pants!, merlin/arthur, possible spoiler

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