Our previous information made it clear the premiere would be October 8th with a back-to-back premiere. Now the BBC has
released a press pack for week forty (October 1st-7th) with Merlin's information in it. However, it says the date and time are still to be confirmed.
Cultbox supports an October 1st premiere theorizing it may air an hour after the Doctor Who finale special, but only be one episode.
The original double-bill information surprised me so it would make more sense for it to premiere the 1st but...As much as I want the show as soon as we can get it, how awesome would a double premiere be? *_* I'm torn!
We'll make a new post with confirmation as soon as the BBC posts the information.
(And be on the lookout for the trailer on iPlayer soon, Uk-ers!)
**Also I'll make the season 4 streaming info post next weekend, regardless**