THIS evening - AKA Friday, July 29, 2011 - at 9:00 PM EDT (look here! handy clock for
time conversion!) we will be having another RE-WATCH!
If you missed the posting about the new changes to the re-watch schedule, please see
this post for details!
This weeks re-watch will include the following episodes (with download links):
S2E08 - The Sins of the Father
CastTV ||
IMDb Video ||
My TV Source ||
S2E09 - The Lady of the Lake
CastTV ||
IMDb Video ||
My TV Source ||
S2E10 - Sweet Dreams
CastTV ||
IMDb Video ||
My TV Source ||
If anyone has any other streaming/download links, please comment here and I'll make sure to update the list on tomorrow's post. Also, please keep in mind that if you are watching episodes on time-restricted sites like MegaVideo, you might want to make other arrangements because re-watches will run approximately 2.5 hours.
Lastly, for those of you new to
ontd_merlin... all re-watch/watch alongs posts are friends only, so make sure you join so you can, you know, watch along. :D WE LOVE HAVING NEW PEOPLE!
Any questions? Shoot them my way! Thanks!
Hope to see you there!
P.S. Sorry again for the late posting. I didn't get regular access to LJ until late, late last night. At which point I decided sleep was a better option. LOL. :) See you guys tonight!