Jul 18, 2010 17:16

What is your favorite Sun/Jin episode? Share any thoughts on this beautiful, stunning, perfect couple and their episodes.

"House of the Rising Sun" is the sixth episode of Season 1 of Lost. When Jin attacks Michael without provocation, a rivalry begins to form, much to Sun's dismay. Meanwhile, Jack proposes that everyone move to the caves, though some argue that this would be giving up on possible rescue. Flashbacks in this episode concentrate around Sun and Jin's marriage and how it was slowly falling apart.

"...In Translation" is the seventeenth episode of Season 1 of Lost. An arsonist torches Michael's raft, and when Michael sees that Jin has burnt hands, the conflict between them escalates. Meanwhile, Boone begins to interfere in the growing relationship between Shannon and Sayid. Flashbacks in this episode are of Jin's point-of-view of the same events focused on in "House of the Rising Sun".

"...And Found" is the fifth episode of Season 2 of Lost and the thirtieth episode of the series as a whole. The tail-section survivors trek back to the southern beaches of the Island, but encounter trouble as Michael sets off by himself to find Walt. Meanwhile, at the main camp, Sun is heartbroken as she realizes that she has lost her wedding ring. In flashbacks, Sun is set up with Jae Lee while Jin is working as a doorman.

"The Whole Truth" is the sixteenth episode of Season 2 of Lost and the 41st episode of the series as a whole. John enlists Ana Lucia's help in dealing with their prisoner in the Hatch. Elsewhere, Sun begins to think that she might be pregnant. In flashbacks, Sun takes English lessons from Jae Lee and learns that Jin is infertile.

"The Glass Ballerina" is the second episode of the third season of Lost, and the 51st episode of the series as a whole. Jin, Sun and Sayid worry when Jack, Kate and Sawyer make no contact with them after they have lit the signal fire. Meanwhile, the Others realize that the survivors have acquired a sailboat. In flashbacks, Sun continues her affair with Jae, who Jin has been assigned to kill.

"D.O.C." is the eighteenth episode of Season 3 and the sixty-seventh produced hour of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on April 25, 2007. When Sun discovers what happens to pregnant women on the Island, she demands answers from Juliet. Meanwhile Desmond, Hurley, Charlie and Jin try to save the life of the injured parachutist. In flashbacks, Sun is blackmailed by Jin's mother and meets his father, who she had thought was dead.

"Ji Yeon" was the seventh episode of Season 4 of Lost, and the 79th episode of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on March 13, 2008 in the United States. Juliet is forced to reveal some startling news to Jin when Sun threatens to move to Locke's camp. Meanwhile, Sayid and Desmond begin to get an idea of the freighter crew's mission when they meet the ship's Captain. In flashbacks, Jin rushes to buy a stuffed panda for what we think at first is his baby but really it is for some Paik client. In flashforwards, Sun has her baby and names her Ji Yeon! :) And visits Jin's grave with Hurley. :(

"This Place Is Death" is the fifth episode of Season 5 of Lost, and the ninety-first produced hour of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on February 11, 2009. After meeting the French science team, Jin reunites with the remaining Island survivors, who are experiencing trouble in coping with Charlotte's deteriorating health. Meanwhile, Sun holds Ben at gunpoint and stops his plans to return to the Island.

"The Package" is the tenth episode of Season 6 of Lost and the 113th produced hour of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on March 30, 2010. While Jin and Sun continue to search for each other, the Man in Black meets with Charles Widmore. In the flash-sideways timeline, an unmarried Sun and Jin continue their forbidden romance only to get shot down by Keamy and Mikhail.
(all summaries from Lostpedia w/ my additions)


poll, character discussion, character: sun, character: jin

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