Jorge and Beth!
These fine people invite you in to celebrate this wonderful couple, and also to party because why not.
Lots of fun facts, pictures, and guest stars after the cut!
Jorge and Beth had a really fun podcast called Geronimo Jack's Beard and I miss it. Beth would often talk about Harry Potter which I enjoy.
They had great guest stars such as Memerson, Desmondo, and Nestor.
Ever wonder what Nestor looks like on the toilet? Well wonder no more!
Here's when HIC himself visited for a podcast:
They would also post great behind the scenes shots on their blog.
Such as Ken stunting Aaron's growth!
Beth touching the giant cork!
Beth in chains!
Jorge and Beth growing beards!
Foxy doing gymnastics!
Beth getting Jorge a fishbiscuit!
Also, their wonderful doggy Nunu had a starring role on the episode Everybody Loves Hugo.
But sadly Nunu was killed earlier this year. RIP puppy :(
Sorry that was kind of a downer. So here is a funy party Hurley song for us all to dance to.
Click to view
You may not know, but Beth has a children's book out. It's called Matilda Turnip's Endless Belly Button and it's available for sale