May 14, 2010 11:31

Hello ONTD_LOST! It's Friday, I'm bored and out of high school, and I want to talk about Lost. So today, fresh on the heels of that other post about all the dead people and also the news that V, starring the HBIC Liz Mitchell, has been renewed, I got to thinking about whether or not I truly appreciated Juliet's death. I thought it was well-done, well-acted, well-written, and one of the most heroic deaths on Lost [rivaling only Charlie] but I can't help but feel that the show would be better with Juliet this season. That's just me being a delusion Juliet lover, though.

Anyway, how do you feel about the way Lost has handled killing off characters? We get awesome whole scenes set to heart-wrenching Giacchino strings, but we also get the sudden explosion or gunshot with no time to mourn whatsoever. Whose death do you think was handled the best, and whose was handled the worst? And are there any characters that you think would still be alive on the show at this point if not for a dispute with the actors?

And the best death to never happen, for your time.


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