Team Jacob, dude.

Feb 20, 2010 14:38

So after watching Lost "The Substitute" last night, I finally realised that if I was on the island, Jacob would probably have a restraining order against me. Here's my review from my LJ(obviously spoilerific):

OK, so this episode was awesome and everything but now I really hate Flocke!!

He tells lies about my wonderful Jacob! So he comes to people in their moment of need and manipulates them, does he? He gave Jack a candy bar, Sawyer a pen, Kate a lunchbox, kind words to the Kwon's on the wedding day, told Locke he would be ok, and he told Hurley how to get back to the island - he didn't force him there in any way! In what way did he control them like the evil puppet master Flocke claims he is?! What kind of badass gives someone a candy bar? Where did Sawyer's brain go? Did he bury it with Juliet? Didn't he notice that Flocke is saying all of this while he is in mourning over Juliet and therefore manipulating him during his time of need, exactly like he claims Jacob does?

And where was Sawyer's brain when Flocke said Jacob was protecting this island from "nothing"? Does he really believe that Jacob was that delusional?! That he would guard the island for hundreds (maybe thousands) of years without any evidence that it needed protecting?! Would The Others still be there if there was nothing to fear? What does the island need protecting from? Flocke! Argh! I want to slap Sawyer for being a dumbass. At least part of his noggin is still working - he knew it wasn't Locke who came to see him. I thought he was a goner when he went plummeting down the cliff face. I thought he was gonna explode all over the rocks. Just for a moment, I had my heart in my mouth!

Am I the only one who believes Flocke is evil? The Lost writers keep giving little hints as Jacob wore white, and the mystery man wore black in "The Incident". And Flocke threw the white rock into the ocean, leaving the black rock (his?) on the scale. Meaning the scales have been tipped in his favour. And black is usually the colour of evil, not white.

I want to know more about how he went from a man to a smoky monster who dresses up as dead people. I assume his "betrayer" was Jacob, although being strongly on the side of Team Jacob I believe that was a matter of self-defense if Jacob had him killed. The MIB wanted Jacob dead so badly, maybe Jacob had no choice. If the island needed protecting from MIB wouldn't Jacob persuade someone to kill him (Richard, maybe??)? So case you couldn't tell I'm a big Jacob fangirl! lol I think I'd probably scare him, tbh.

Does anyone else think that kid who warned Flocke about "the rules" was a young Jacob? His hair was blond though and Jacob's is redder. Hmm...

When will we find out what the numbers signify? I'm sure there's a far deeper meaning than just "Jacob had a thing for numbers". Hurley would freak out if he saw that cave! lol

Speaking of Hurley - how come he's the only one who's life has turned out awesome in the LAX universe? Everyone else's lives are miserable or shitty, and Hurley's (whose life was shitty before the crash thanks to the numbers bringing him bad luck) has worked out beautifully? I don't get it. But hopefully that will be explained too.

It was so nice not to have any Jack or Kate in this episode! Although I did miss Dogen & Lennon. And you know what I realised last week? I really miss Daniel! :(

And before I go: hanging Richard in a tree?! So awesome!! :D I would've preferred chains, but you can't have everything...

Feel free to tell me I'm a muppet if you're on Team Flocke. Just do it nicely :p

character: jacob, season six, character: sawyer, discussion, episode discussion, character: man in black, stan wars

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