I'm sitting here, staring into my coffee mug, because that's the effectual sort of person I am before noon, and something hits me with the force of a meteor from the sky. Or something.
Radzinsky. We've never seen the body. A blood spot, yeah, but no body. We've been told, by Kelvin Inman (a douchebag liar of high order himself) that Radzinsky killed himself after being a total suckass OCD lamer in the hatch. We never saw the body, but we did meet the real Radzinsky back in the 70's last season, and he was King Douchebag of All Douchebags himself. So, no great loss.
Here's the wrinkly theory that struck me. It wasn't Radzinsky in the hatch going full Cobain prior to Desmond's arrival. It was someone that took his name, knew the Swan, knew about the door map. At that point, I don't have that much in I'M AWESOMELY INSANE except to wonder if this turns into some sort of personal time-travel purgatory for Ben until he decides to end it all in the messiest prima donna exit ever.
Because otherwise, I don't know what the point would be of a twist like that. Also, me and all the Ben stans go NOOOOOOOO. ANYWAY. The bright side of this theory means the Radzinsky we hate can die at any moment once the season starts.
How awesome is that? That's awesome.
(also total bull)
Yes. You're all giving me that look. Okay, ONTD_Lost. We've done theories you think apply. We've done theories you hope apply.
Enjoy a little seventh day madness. What's the wonkiest, most bullcrap yet slightly topical theory YOU can think up?
Difficulty: Someone else already came up with epileptic trees and Vincent as Satan's observer.