Max Adler: 'Glee' has the ability to change how people think

Apr 26, 2011 16:44

Tonight's "Glee" is special for a whole heap o' reasons: not only does it feature Lady GaGa's "Born This Way" and clock in at a beefy 90 minutes, but the episode (which shares a title with GaGa's song) dedicates much of that screentime to the unresolved relationship Karofsky has with New Directions, with Kurt and with himself.

I recently chatted with actor Max Adler, who has done a remarkable job of brilliantly bringing this bully to life, about the landmark episode, what it's been like playing such a polarizing person and what's next for Karofsky!

PopWrap: When you were first hired, did you have any idea of the direction Karofsky would take?
Max Adler: None! I like to put a lot of work into my characters and there wasn't a lot on the page for this one-note bully when I was hired. I tried to think about what would make him more interesting, so I played some ideas: maybe he was jealous of the glee club, maybe he was gay, maybe a million different things. When that happened for real, I was so glad they went that route because it’s an important show and an important time to do a story like this.

PW: Both Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuck has said that "Glee" is an optimistic show and Karofsky wouldn't be driven to suicide or any of the other horrible ends that so many real life teens meet. Were you glad to be a part of the more positive side of life as a closeted teen?
Max: Completely. I’ve heard from a lot of fans how important this character is for them because it’s important to watch the internal struggle, the confusion and the torture one person can put themselves through being closeted. I know a lot of fans have been waiting on pins and needles to see Karofsky become ok with who he is, accept himself, and come out because I think it would be a beacon of hope for everyone else who’s struggling. If Karofsky can do it, so can you. I hope that doesn’t sound glib but people do get hope from “Glee.”

PW: Does that you mean you want Karofsky to come out?
Max: I’d like for it to go on until it makes sense for him to come out. I find the struggle against himself and society fascinating. I think a lot of people are connecting with it. You see so many characters who are either very, very out or very, very not out. It's rare to see the struggle happen over such a long time. I don’t think he’d just turn at the drop of a hat and come out. I think it’s going to take a long time -- especially with one more year left in school. It’s a big risk for him, going into Senior Year as a totally new person in a lot of people’s eyes.

PW: Ok, so it sounds like we're not going to see a big resolution in tonight's episode, but what can you say about "Born This Way?"
Max: Tonight forces Karofsky to take a look at himself in a way that he hasn’t before. He also forms an unlikely alliance with someone in the school, that will come out of nowhere and wouldn’t make sense if I told you right now, but when you see it, you’ll get it. And he comes face to face with Kurt, again.

PW: Last week we got a brief glimpse of where their relationship is now -- does tonight's episode act as a bookend for their story?
Max: Not as a bookend, it’s just them meeting again. They haven’t really spoken since “Furt,” when Kurt left McKinley. I had been wanting to see some kind of conversation but it ends up being rather shocking given what is said. I feel like, as different as they are, there is something that connects them. In a weird way, Karofsky looks to Kurt to see what it means for a gay person to be out in Ohio while Kurt understands the struggle that Karofsky is going through because at one point, that was him. There is a kindred spirit-ness to them despite coming from totally different starting points.

PW: How do the musical numbers tonight compare to past performances?
Max: I would put it up there with “Thriller.” These are very special episodes - and tonight is especially important for people to see. That’s what is so great, it’s not like all these people are excited about something frivolous with no substance behind it. The things we tackle in tonight’s episode are real important issues - we’re delivering a special message that I hope will connect with a lot of people. "Glee" is the rare show that has the ability to move people and change their way of thinking. It’s just so exciting to be a part of that.

PW: We've seen softer sides of Karofsky -- like during the "Thriller/Heads Will Roll" number. Do you prefer playing one version of him?
Max: It’s funny because I’m on the softer side. I’m sensitive, I used to do show choir & dance, I love going to the theater, so to get to do the “Thriller” number was a joy because I got to sing and dance with this cast I really respect. But I have to say, it’s more fulfilling and thrilling to jump into someone else’s brain for a while. Check myself at the door. As much fun as it is to dance and sing, I love playing the bad guy - there’s something about that I find exciting.

PW: Most high school bullies come from a place of insecurity, moving forward is he still a bad guy?
Max: I don’t know - there are still a couple episodes to be written, so it’s anyone’s guess. In the very beginning of all this, with “Never Been Kissed” and “Furt,” the fan reaction was that it would be tied up in a neat little bow by the end of the season. But at this point, I don’t know. And that’s what makes this so exciting to play - Karofsky is so unpredictable. He could go a million different ways at any second because of all the things going on in his mind at the same time. You never know what his next move is. Would I like for him to come out and be this beacon of light and hope for millions of people? Of course. But that’s up to how the writers want to play it, and how long they want to play it out.

New York Post

episode 2x18, spoilers, actor: max adler, interview: cast

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