Anonymous -> I don’t know if you’re still answering questions, but about how much screentime/lines would you say Sebastian has in the episode? And do you think he’ll be back again after this episode?
Um. I know he has a couple of scenes in episode 7. One with Blaine, one with Hunter and Blaine, and one with the Warblers. And I think he’d be back in a future episode because I believe Dalton Academy is up against New Directions again.
Anonymous -> Thanks for answering! So you said Sebastian is a nice guy now? Or is it just an act?
No problem! He is a nice guy now, but I think he is only doing it because he kinda has to.
Anonymous -> whats your favorite line of seb dialogue that you read?
They might or might not cut this, but these are my favorite lines. ‘Seb: No, I swear. I turned over a new leaf, remember? No more bullying, blackmail or assault this year. Blaine: That must be boring for you. Seb: Yeah, being nice sucks.’
Anonymous -> Okay, just one final questions I swear: do the Warblers know about Kurt and Blaine’s break up or reference it at all?
They do mention Kurt.
Anonymous -> How does Sebastian feel about Hunter and that he’s no longer lead?
He’s not too happy about it.
Anonymous -> Seb’s not like a doormat character now though, right? Cause I might break something if he is.
He’s not completely a doormat character. He still has value.
Anonymous -> Do you think there’s any hope for Kurtbastian this season?
Not really, no.
Anonymous -> Does he still have snark or is that all gone?
I believe he still has some snark left in him.
Anonymous -> Does Sam go to Dalton with Blaine?
Blaine goes to Dalton with himself first. Then later, Blaine does go back with Sam.
Anonymous -> does sebastian sings in the warblers song? Even if just a line like in uptown girl
I’m pretty sure that he sings backup with the other Warblers while Blaine is singing lead. I don’t know if he has a small line like Uptown Girl.
Anonymous -> Does Blaine sing Dark Side when he goes by himself or is Sam there?
Goes by himself.
inmylonelyworld -> is sebastian singing something?
Solo wise? I’m not sure. Probably not.
Anonymous -> Does Sebastian want Blaine to transfer back to Dalton?
Sebastian and the rest of the Warblers (especially Hunter) does want Blaine to transfer back to Dalton
Anonymous -> Why do the Warblers steal ND’s Nationals Trophy?
To get Blaine to go to Dalton.
Anonymous -> By the end of the episode it definitely looks like Blaine won’t transfer though, right?
I doubt he’ll transfer back.
Anonymous -> what’s the context of the dark side perf?
Blaine’s just singing that with the Warblers and when he sings that song with them, he feels at home again and misses his old friends and feels very tempted to transfer back.
Anonymous -> what in the script makes u think he won’t transfer back?
Well. He gives back the Dalton blazer back to them.
Anonymous -> Do you know whether the Warblers are competing against ND at sectionals or regionals? Or do they not say?
They should be competing with them at sectionals.
Anonymous -> What are Rachel and Kurt doing in this episode? Or is there no focus on New York?
I don’t have that part of the script.
sailorchelsey -> what episode of the script do you have?
Episode 7. Just a scene with Blaine and the Warblers.
familyontherun -> Do you have any info about Blaine and that Eli guy? Does it say if they actually get physical?
It doesn’t specifically say what kind of things Blaine did with the Eli guy. But they probably did things that he shouldn’t have done.
Anonymous -> Hi! Thanks for answering questions, really appreciate it! I just want to ask, is there any significant “Blam” bromance/interaction in the script that you have? I mean, when they go to Dalton? :)
They team up together to get something back from Dalton.
Anonymous -> From the script that you have, can you give an assessment on Hunter’s level of nefariousness? Like, on a scale of Sebastian-Jesse-Sue, which category does he fall into? Is he a funny-epic-fail villain, or does he make you want to slap him upside down the head? Thanks for answering!
Urm. I’d say he’s in between Sebastian and Jesse, but that’s my opinion. Really, it’s up to you decide how mean he is because I personally adore Sebastian and Jesse, lol, so my opinion doesn’t really matter now does it.
Anonymous -> Thanks for sharing stuff! Do Sebastian and Blaine talk about Kurt, and/or does Sebastian hit on Blaine or anything?
Sebastian doesn’t hit on Blaine. I’m just guessing because he wants Blaine to fully forgive him and no. They don’t talk about Kurt.
Anonymous -> thanks for your answers,is Blaine talk about Kurt with the warblers ?
They don’t have a full on conversation about Kurt. They only mention him.
Anonymous -> Previous anon here. Sorry, I should have been more specific, and I love Jesse and Sebastian too! Lol. But I was wondering if his “nefarious” schemes are more like Jesse’s, Sebastian’s, Sue’s or even Dustin Golby’s. Like, is it played for laughs like Sue’s league of SuperVillains or is it potentially harmful like Seb’s slushie prank? Thanks again! :)
OH! Lol. I’d say his schemes are like Sebastian’s.
Anonymous -> Do any of the other Warblers (Nick, Jeff, Thad, David, Trent) have any speaking lines? And do you think they only want Blaine back because of Hunter’s ploy, or do they want him back because he was their friend? :)
They don’t have lines. Just Hunter and Sebastian. For Hunter, he just wants Blaine back because if he’s back, then the Warblers will most likely win. For the rest of the Warblers, I believe it’s because they miss him and want him back as their friend.
Anonymous -> No Seblaine? What are Sebastian’s speaking lines to Blaine?
Nothing like The First Time. Nope. And I’ve mentioned some of his lines here: Anonymous -> Your part of the script is only Dalton so no reference to Klaine Finchel in the hall of Mac kinley ?Is it noting the number of the scene they become with Sam?
Nope. I just have the Warblers scene and the last page of the script I have just skips to Blaine and Sam teaming up and that’s it.
Anonymous -> does blaine give back his blazer before the warblers steal the trophy or after?
Anonymous -> Is Blaine wearing the Dalton blazer while performing Dark Side?
Anonymous -> Does Blaine go to dalton wearing his uniform or does he put the blazer on there?
They put it on him.
Anonymous -> what can you say about sebastian/blaine’s interaction? does it look like sebastian’s still interested in him?
it’s hard to tell.
Anonymous -> Does Hunter sing at all? Or does he just try to convince Blaine to be the new lead singer?
he probably doesn’t because it doesn’t say, but not 100% sure on that. i just know he’s just trying to get blaine back.
Anonymous -> Thanks for sharing all this! Can I ask a question about your script pages? You mentioned you have the warblers scenes then the last page you have is the start of the Blaine/Sam conversation with the flashback to the cheating which we saw the page of (scene 30). Do you have the page after that, and if so how does that scene end? Does ‘random cute guy’ have any more dialogue? Or do Blaine and Sam continue talking and what do they say?
Sorry. I don’t have that part of the script! My friend does and the last page of my script is where it says Blaine and Sam go back to Dalton. :/
Anonymous -> If you don’t mind, could you please just clarify the timeline? Is it that they steal the trophy, then Blaine goes back by himself and sings, and then he later returns with Sam? Does he give the blazer back before the return trip with Sam? And does he not take the trophy back after the first visit by himself? Thanks!
Warblers steal the trophy, Blaine goes back by himself and sings, and later he returns with Sam to get the trophy back and return the blazer.
Anonymous -> is there a good reason for hunter being captain now like why does he exist at all if sebastian was already there i dont understand
probably because of all the blackmail and assault he’s done last year and made the warblers look bad. but that’s my guess. im just as confused as you are.
Anonymous -> Can you say your faverite hunter line from the episode ??
‘i’m the new captain of the warblers, and i’m not even remotely bi-curious.’