No han pasado ni 24 horas desde que puse el tuit y ya tenemos a los 20 equipos de primera confirmados.
Este jueves el sorteo, viernes, sábado y domingo el torneo
Vienen a comentar Ruben Martin, Miguel Ángel Roman, Daimiel y Lama
- Ibai (@IbaiLlanos)
March 17, 2020 Not even 24 hours have passed since I put the tweet and we already have 20 confirmed first class teams. This Thursday the draw, Friday, Saturday and Sunday the tournament Ruben Martin, Miguel Ángel Roman, Daimiel and Lama come to comment She is going to get involved She is going to get involved
UEFA har bestemt at EM utsettes til 2021. Det skal spilles fra 11. juni til 11. juli neste år. Mer informasjon kommer.
- NorgesFotballforbund (@nff_info)
March 17, 2020 UEFA has decided that the European Championship is postponed to 2021. It will be played from 11 June to 11 July next year. More information coming.
COVID-19 ⎮ Second player tested positive Now the tea bags are sorted I’ve got time to level out this lawn... wonder if I can borrow Anfield’s Keep off the Grass sign 🤔
#onebladeatatime #productiveday #snipsnip ✂️ James Milner (@JamesMilner)
March 17, 2020 Day 4 of isolation and people are getting really tense up here... 🤣
#CoronaVirus #YoMeQuedoEnCasa 🙏🏻 Cesc Fàbregas Soler (@cesc4official)
March 17, 2020 Frank Lampard makes passionate coronavirus statement as Chelsea reopen training ground following Callum Hudson-Odoi diagnosis Debido a la evolución mundial del Coronavirus y con el objetivo de salvaguardar la salud del fútbol sudamericano,
@CONMEBOL aplaza la celebración de la 47 edición de Copa América a las fechas del 11 de junio al 11 de julio de 2021
📌 Copa América (@CopaAmerica)
March 17, 2020 Due to the worldwide evolution of the Coronavirus and with the aim of safeguarding the health of South American football,
@CONMEBOL postpones the celebration of the 47th edition of the Copa América to the dates of June 11 to July 11, 2021
🚨Comunicado Oficial del ESPANYOL🚨 DETECTADOS 6 CASOS de coronavirus entre la primera plantilla y el staff técnico. El Chiringuito TV (@elchiringuitotv)
March 17, 2020 There are six cases of covid - 19 with Espanyol.
OFFICIAL: Euro 2020 postponed Martyn Ziegler (@martynziegler)
March 17, 2020 One of our players has unfortunately tested positive for Coronavirus. All players, coaches and backroom staff will now undergo the recommended 14-day isolation period. Hertha Berlin (@HerthaBSC_EN)
March 17, 2020 OP: How goes it by you lot? Can I have a tag for coronovirus or covid-19, please?