tuesday matches

Jan 08, 2019 09:18

news in tweets

José Mourinho, que acaba de dar largas al Benfica, le ha dicho a Florentino Pérez que si es por él, no tiene problemas en hacerse cargo de equipo ahora. Eso sí, le pide refuerzos, sobre todo en el centro de la defensa y un goleador contrastado.
- Francesc Aguilar (@MDpor_elmundo) January 7, 2019

José Mourinho, who has just given long to Benfica, has told Florentino Perez that if it is for him, he has no problem in taking over team now. Yes, he asks for reinforcements, especially in the defense center and a contrasting scorer.

Mourinho back to Real Madrid? He's turned down Benfica's approach.

💬 Paul Canoville, premier joueur noir de l'histoire de Chelsea, victime d'injures racistes : "Les fans viennent me voir aujourd'hui et s'excusent. Ils me disent : "Paul, je faisais partie de ceux qui t'insultaient. Je ne savais pas, je suivais juste mon père" #JeNeSuisPasUnSinge pic.twitter.com/V9J5oSEPpQ
- Canal Football Club (@CanalFootClub) January 6, 2019

💬 Paul Canoville, first black player in the history of Chelsea, victim of racist insults: "The fans come to see me today and apologize. They say to me: "Paul, I was one of those who insulted you. I didn't know, I was just following my dad. " #JeNeSuisPasUnSinge

100 - Raheem Sterling has now been directly involved in 100 goals in 167 appearances for Manchester City in all competitions since joining in 2015, scoring 55 and assisting 45. Century. #FACup pic.twitter.com/NGKSviN6LQ
- OptaJoe (@OptaJoe) January 6, 2019

news in links

club: chelsea, club: real madrid, club: tottenham hotspur

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