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Ugh, Brexit jazzypom April 1 2017, 07:06:41 UTC
The last week has been filled with despair, because I actually enjoy being a European citizen, ta, and Brexit is coming across more as an old white English person's fantasy than anything. Northern Ireland doesn't want it, neither does Scotland.

Now that reality has set in, when even Ms May and Hammond and Davis are replacing Nationalist and outdated Empire desires to measured comments is sobering. But that didn't stop the PM from threatening Europe with withholding key information for terrorist plots, and Spain taking its chance to seize on the Gibraltar question. Jeremey Corbyn, the head of our Opposition is so happy about us coming out of Europe, and you get the feeling that the only politician of note who has acknowledged the 48 percent is Tusk! (The Lib Dems are trying, I'll say that). May has chosen to sacrifice country for party, which... is a shocking act of political malfeasance, tbh.

On top of that, I can't even trust any of the British press. I'm looking at cutting off my TV licence, because BBC is the Brexit Broadcasting corporation, by not pushing May on anything (she's a class A waffler and double thinker, that one) the Right Wing Press has poisoned political discourse.

So, I find myself reading foreign language papers! My Spanish is decent (reading wise) and I'm GOOD with opinions from that angle, but German is nigh incomprehensible at the moment. Oh well, everyday is a school day, right?


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