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I guess this is the stiff upper lip? lied_ohne_worte June 13 2016, 12:08:39 UTC

Carnage in the background. Meanwhile reporter David Chater acts like he's reporting on the Queens 90th birthday! pic.twitter.com/wMb6cRATHT
- Man Utd Universe (@ManUtdUniverse) 12. Juni 2016


Re: I guess this is the stiff upper lip? lady_teazle June 13 2016, 12:35:02 UTC
He IS reporting, not joining the action. Maybe he wasn't disapproving enough to suit some.

It looks to me like these Russian hooligans are being encouraged - and possibly financed? - by the powers that be in Russia.


Re: I guess this is the stiff upper lip? lied_ohne_worte June 13 2016, 12:46:07 UTC
Oh no, I didn't mean it like that - I'm just majorly impressed by how calm he is, while people around him are fighting whom I at least wouldn't trust not to assault a reporter. I'm sure that's why so many people shared it.


RE: Re: I guess this is the stiff upper lip? funhouse June 13 2016, 13:00:18 UTC
I wouldn't be surprised


their MPs have been encouraging it! jazzypom June 13 2016, 13:01:39 UTC
I'm SMH at that, tbh. I am fearful of going to the World Cup in Russia, now.


Re: their MPs have been encouraging it! funhouse June 13 2016, 13:09:42 UTC
ill turn my house into a bunker tbh

i think the russians in russia will be kept under control


RE: their MPs have been encouraging it! postingwhore June 13 2016, 13:41:37 UTC
Same here, and I've been planning it since the last WC!


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