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Crispy is not happy. the4thjuliek February 28 2016, 12:45:59 UTC

Cristiano Ronaldo: "Si todos tuvieran mi nivel. Estaríamos los primeros" #DerbiTJCope
- Tiempo de Juego (@tjcope) February 27, 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo: "If all my team were at my level, we would be first"

Taken from Reddit:

He said "no estoy diciendo que los que jugaron no son tan buenos como ellos, pero los mejores siempre faltan" which translates to "I'm not saying the ones that played are not as good, but the best are always needed".

Then someone told him about Danilo being an international with Brazil and so on, meaning that other players are also good and he said "no quiero menospreciar a nadie, pero si un equipo no juega con los mejores es difícil" "I don't want to talk less about anyone, but if a team doesn't play with the best it's hard".

Then "A mi me gusta jugar con Karim, cuando Karim no está es más difícil. A mi me gusta jugar con Bale, cuando Bale no está es más difícil. A mi me gusta jugar con Marcelo, cuando Marcelo no está es más difícil. Danilo para mí fue el mejor hoy en campo, pero a lo largo de la temporada, es complicado, porque normalmente los mejores son mejores durante la temporada casi siempre, no es decir que Jese, que Lucas, que Kovacic no son buenos, son muy buenos, pero es mi punto de vista".

Which means "I like to play with Karim, when Karim doesn't play it's harder. I like to play with Bale, when Bale doesn't play it's harder. I like to play with Marcelo, when Marcelo doesn't play it's harder. Danilo was for me the best today on the pitch, but in during a season it's hard because normally the best are the best during the whole season almost always, that's not to say that Jese, Lucas, Kovacic are not good, they are very good, but that's my point of view."


RE: Crispy is not happy. chuk_is_dazzled February 28 2016, 13:34:08 UTC
lol crispy throwing the team under the bus hahaha "im the best. all you leftovers suck" funny thing is, hes not *wrong*

*well eta: not that they suck but that hes the best. if it was 11 crispys v whatever team of course theyd be way better but thats not possible


RE: Crispy is not happy. the4thjuliek February 28 2016, 13:47:19 UTC
He's not wrong because he was one of the decent ones for Madrid. He backtracked but I can imagine that his comments aren't confidence boosters for guys like Jese (who was shit) and Kovacic (who didn't even play). And he didn't even mention Ha-Mez, who was absolute garbage yesterday.


RE: Crispy is not happy. chuk_is_dazzled February 28 2016, 14:13:12 UTC
im glad he didnt mention james by name lol. he should have gives a stock answer like "we werent on our game" not pinpoint players


RE: Crispy is not happy. marsyke February 28 2016, 13:55:18 UTC
No but it's hardly great for team spirit.


RE: Crispy is not happy. chuk_is_dazzled February 28 2016, 14:04:25 UTC
of course he shouldnt have said it. its one of those things you just think but shouldnt open you mouth and say. i get being honest, but crispy needs to not lol


RE: Crispy is not happy. marsyke February 28 2016, 14:20:00 UTC
exactly; it's February and we're out of every competition except the CL, so I'm not sure honesty is the way to go


RE: Crispy is not happy. riellemayer February 28 2016, 14:26:40 UTC
Ah, that's how I'm feeling about this. I've been 50/50 on wishing he hadn't said anything, but this pushes me over to the "oh no, please don't" side lol.


RE: Crispy is not happy. connorblond February 28 2016, 15:36:42 UTC
Being the best is all good and well. And yes, he is. But without them he couldn't shine, either.


RE: Crispy is not happy. funhouse February 28 2016, 13:38:30 UTC
rude af


RE: Crispy is not happy. riellemayer February 28 2016, 14:23:20 UTC
I posted about this and then deleted my comment, but he's not lying. It's shit that it was said to the press, but it's true. He said physically that if they were all at his level they'd be the best, and that isn't a lie. Crispy is hardly ever injured... like ever, lol. What's hurting Madrid, aside from the shit mentality that's poisoning this squad, are injuries. Bale has been out so many times already this season, and losing Marcelo is always a blow for us. When Karim is out we lose our creativity up front. I'd kind of argue that we have no depth (with the way we're playing) and it really shows when we field an XI like we did yesterday and people pull out the performances we saw. That was arguably one of the worst Madrid Derbi's I've seen in a while, and not because we lost. I don't know, I'm frustrated and I think Crispy is as well. Maybe his comments about liking to play with Bale will get some of the more rabid Madridistas to ease up with their hate, lol. I doubt it.

I will say that I'm like 50/50 on wishing that the comments hadn't been made. Part of me is glad because this is what so many of us have been talking about as fans, but part of me hates that this is coming from a teammate and not a pundit or something. Solely because I'm worried about how this will affect the jovial mood that we've seen in training these last few weeks. I want them to do better, but I would like the happier atmosphere to stick around. I imagine that he'll need to apologise to those mentioned and to the rest of the squad in general. Especially Kovacic who wasn't even playing, and when he does play is a bright spot imo.



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