First post on the comm! Hi, y'all. *waves* For my first post, I'd like to introduce you to one of my favourite players on the Italian NT, one who gets not nearly enough love in my humble opinion. (There may need to be a new tag for him, mods...)
Meet Gennaro Gattuso, known to his nearest and dearest as Rino, and known to me as Growls. He plays for the Italian national side and of course for AC Milan, which means as a Liverpool fan I should totally hate him, but I just can't. Look at Rino's wee face!
Hi, Rino!
Sometimes Rino is clean(er) shaven.
But usually, he's the scruffy Rino we know and love, even when he's wearing some very hot suits!
Rino also does casual wear well.
Sometimes, he's wearing almost nothing! And we love him even more then, yes we do.
Rino's got a reputation for being a very physical, very aggressive kind of player, and he's thoroughly earned the nickname "Ringhio" ("growl" or "snarl"). He also once slapped Zlatan Ibrahimovic, but that earns him nothing but love from me, because I think Zlatan is almost as big a douche as Cristiano Ronaldo. BUT I DIGRESS.
Growl, Rino, Growl!
But he can also be completely adorable. Like, for instance, with his Hot Scottish Wife, Monica, who he met when he played for Rangers in Glasgow. Yay, Scotland!
Hi, Monica!
He's also adorable when he's with his daughter, Gabriella, who is possibly the cutest little girl ever.
Gabriella has grown up since that last one, but is still RIDICULOUSLY cute.
Rino's hobbies include orchestra conducting, unicycle riding, and randomly losing his shorts.
Okay, that last one wasn't him randomly losing his shorts. It was completely deliberate, and also utterly hot. But this next one is random, I swear!
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He probably would have lost them forever except FIFA made him put some shorts on to accept his medal. FIFA always spoils the fun.
He also swears a LOT when he gets mad. Like, a lot. Don't believe me?
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It's the lollipop that makes it art. That and the fact that the dog in the video is named "Gennaro" after Rino. HEE. Sadly no subtitles, but you really don't need them to get the gist of it. Oh, Rino.
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Hee. Oh, Mr. Gattuso. *le sigh*