gerardo de mi vida

Aug 31, 2010 15:50

 First post! (as Guti would say, WEAH!)

so I was wondering why Crackovia hadn't made fun of how much they hit Piqué, and I checked their site today and look what i found!!!

Les fans de Gerard Piqué demanen ajuda a Amnistia Internacional
Les fans de Gerard Piqué estan preocupades. No perquè el central no estigui completant un bon Mundial, comptant amb la màxima confiança del seleccionador, sinó perquè diverses topades amb rivals en els partits contra Suïssa i Hondures li estan deixant la cara com un cromo.

Per això un grup d’adolescents histèriques van acudir ahir a les oficines d’Amnistia Internacional a Barcelona per demanar suport en una campanya per protegir Gerard Piqué dels atacs ferotges dels seus rivals. “Hi ha milers de vides en joc”, va xisclar una d’elles, mentre les seves companyes l’acompanyaven amb crits i gestos nerviosos. “No només la d’en Gerard, sinó les nostres, perquè si el tornen un deforme nosaltres ens morim!”

rough translation: The fans are worried about Gerard Pique. Not because the center is not completing a great World Cup, but because several clashes with rivals in the games against Switzerland and Honduras are leaving his face roughed up.

So a group of teenagers went hysterical yesterday at the offices of Amnesty International in Barcelona to ask for support in a campaign to protect Piqué from the fierce attacks of his rivals. "There are thousands of lives at stake," screamed one of them, while their companions accompanied him with shouts and nervous gestures. "Not only for Gerard, but us, because if he becomes deformed, we'll DIE!"

credit to


club: barcelona, gerard pique

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