Jose Mourinho wasn't the only hot coach at the Real Madrid training today. Papa bear Bob Bradley was there to check it out. But why?
He was there to.....A) learn from the Special One.....B) catch a glimpse of Cristiano Ronaldo shirtless.....C) convince Cris his son should play for the U.S......D) just curious
Hey gurl!
What up chica!
that's one wicked intense game of tennis going on there
Pepe trying to show Lady Gago he gots some dance moves too
The Special One welcomes all the newbies in his own special way
It makes me so happy to see Pepe training
Drenthe when he found out he was not going to Liverpool
Here beginneth the Benzema wtf did I do last night pic spam......
He just finished scratching his balls, knows something is not right
He just remembered the age of consent in California is 18.....
my agent is going to be so pissed. again.
what is that smell......hooker?
shit its me, forgot to shower
Wonder if Jose can smell the hoochie, I itch like a hoochie
Coach says be cool, she was 18, he checked. like any good coach would
he says there were 2 girls
Oh God one was Paris Hilton! What is that!
Back to training, Cris says Paris herp will clear up
I have to poop......
nope just gas........ha ha on Benzema......
nice biceps dude. where's the gym
Ok money bags, rinse your face with figi water
seriously, don't they have a
horse for that What is so funny? Guess you have to be Portuguese to get it
ha ha. yes it is true. i farted on Benzema in practice today.
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I wonder what flat iron he uses
oh geez here it comes
sniffle sniffle
wah wah wah .......tear tear
I leave you with this flawless beauty .........