[Triggering content/voyeurism]

Jun 11, 2013 21:31

I know this probably isn't quite the right place for it, but as I'm sure it's a topic that would be very important to many of you here, so I'd like to call to attention CreepShot [note, while this link to the tumblr blog post calling them out is safe-for-work, the links to CreepShot itself contained in the post are NSFWCreepshot is dedicated to ( Read more... )

sexual/street harassment, media

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Comments 7

a_cheshire_grin June 11 2013, 19:01:06 UTC
Yeah, I've already reported this tumblr today and wrote tumblr a mail to ban/remove the blog!!!

It's fucking disgusting and sick and wrong on SO MANY levels! I can't believe that people would even think of doing those things!!! >:(


inkedfeathers June 11 2013, 19:34:50 UTC
Great! I hope this works.

Honestly, after that story about the bar (if memory serves) with the secretly two-way mirror for creepy men to watch ladies in the bathroom, I'm not entirely surprised. People are disgusting.


spiffynamehere June 11 2013, 20:18:08 UTC


inkedfeathers June 12 2013, 12:15:58 UTC
Unfortunately, a HuffPo article, but it'll do for this.


myswtghst June 14 2013, 14:05:41 UTC
For anyone who is interested, there is a petition up on Change.org trying to get the pages removed. So far they've gotten the Facebook page removed, and are still working on Tumblr / Twitter.

Petition is here

Also per the petition, Tumblr users identified an area of Chicago one of these creeps is operating in. There is a post about it here on Tumblr.


inkedfeathers June 14 2013, 14:14:05 UTC
Thank you very much for sharing these links!


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