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maynardsong May 16 2013, 21:37:46 UTC
Ok I want to see the actual text of the bill itself. I don't doubt that its anti choice and to be opposed fiercely but that phrasing seems rather sensationalist.


widgets101 May 17 2013, 03:17:34 UTC
(1) the Congress declares that--

(A) the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being, and is the paramount and most fundamental right of a person; and

(B) the life of each human being begins with fertilization, cloning, or its functional equivalent, irrespective of sex, health, function or disability, defect, stage of biological development, or condition of dependency, at which time every human being shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood; and

(2) the Congress affirms that the Congress, each State, the District of Columbia, and all United States territories have the authority to protect the lives of all human beings residing in its respective jurisdictions.

That's it.


maynardsong May 17 2013, 09:14:55 UTC
WTF. And that's at our side. Not theirs. It would have just been at antis had Jezebel and European pro choice network seen fit to stick to the facts; really a personhood bill is by itself atrocious! But hey why just be content to let the facts do their work for you when you can shoot undercut your own cause with sensationalism?


math_mommy May 17 2013, 16:34:05 UTC
Are you upset because the source is European? Why you are prejusted against European people? And why you label highlighting of law loopholes "sensationalism"? You want to manipulate others to ignore it?


maynardsong May 17 2013, 20:09:07 UTC
Seriously? The right to sue is a POTENTIAL outcome of this bill, and the right of rapists to sue is farther removed still. Someone speculating that its a potential ramification of the bill does not amount to paul ryan wanting to give rapists more rights. Jezebel is an American source by the way. This bill grants personhood to zygotes. Yes that sucks. That definitely amounts to outlawing abortion and possibly contraception, periods, stem cell research, and fertility treatments. Those are valid talking points.


math_mommy May 17 2013, 21:14:32 UTC
There are rapists who actually did it. If you do not think it could happen, it tells more about you then about other people. And yes, there are other talking points, but many of them are controversial - like it stem sell research, a lot of people are misinformed about it.


maynardsong May 18 2013, 05:18:12 UTC
Did I say I didn't think it could happen? I said that the fact that it COULD happen does not amount to Paul Ryan outright moving to give rapists more rights than women. That is a disgustingly misleading headline and I expect better from groups for whom the facts support their agenda. But you go right on thinking I'm anti-choice or whatever.


math_mommy May 18 2013, 16:45:54 UTC
I see. From your point of view a rape is unlikely event and as such is not worth consideration. If you ask women around you if any of them was ever raped (at least 20 people) you'll be quite surprised. Especially to hear that you escaped such fate not by good behavior, but by sheer luck.


maynardsong May 18 2013, 16:48:21 UTC
You fail reading comprehension forever.


math_mommy May 18 2013, 16:51:32 UTC
It is not about reading comprehension. Some experiences are not possible to pick up by reading. Again, I believe that talking with alive people is much more informative in particular cases.


redstar826 May 18 2013, 18:48:39 UTC
It does seem like an odd argument to make though, when it looks like this bill would actually ban ALL abortions. The rapist wouldn't need to sue, because if this bill became law and the Court upheld it, all abortions would likely be illegal no matter what the reason(s) a woman has for wanting one.

And yes, you are misinterpreting some of what maynardsong is saying.

Granting personhood for embryos and fetuses is a shitty idea and Ryan is a douchebag, but I do think we are doing our side a disservice when we make these sorts of arguments


math_mommy May 21 2013, 23:42:47 UTC
I would love to use logical arguments, being mathematician myself and with couple of years of math logic study under my belt. But when I deal with people whose language includes "death panels", then talking reasonably is not much help.


redstar826 May 18 2013, 18:50:12 UTC
" European pro choice network" is the name of site you posted. She isn't insulting them for being European.


math_mommy May 19 2013, 17:06:34 UTC
Yeh. She just mentioned it with irritation.


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