Surrogate offered $10,000 to abort baby

Mar 05, 2013 13:36

I'm not sure about trigger warnings, but the article discusses abortion (with a dash of anti-choice rhetoric), reproductive coercion, disability & aborting due to birth defects, custody laws / adoption, and surrogacy / pregnancy. Please let me know if there is anything else I should include here (and Mods - let me know if you'd like this edited ( Read more... )

laws/legislation, foster care, ableism, bodily autonomy, adoption, pregnancy, birth, abortion

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mythrai March 5 2013, 23:05:05 UTC
lol, damn at all these anti-choicers in here


ljtaylor March 6 2013, 10:42:58 UTC
"pro-choice...BUT not if you signed a contract lol"

seriously is nobody who thinks this also thinking of the dodgy precedent it sets?


mythrai March 6 2013, 13:50:31 UTC
apparently not because that's 'moving the goalposts'


wuvvumsoc March 6 2013, 14:12:39 UTC
I know, right? I wasn't expecting this in a feminist community D:


mycenaes March 6 2013, 15:08:25 UTC
ikr? what the hell happened here?


haildorothygale March 6 2013, 21:55:16 UTC
I know, right.

This is like a pro-choice equivalent of "exceptions in the case of rape", where someone's strongly held moral views are suddenly reversed when the right set of atypical circumstances crop up.


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