Surrogate offered $10,000 to abort baby

Mar 05, 2013 13:36

I'm not sure about trigger warnings, but the article discusses abortion (with a dash of anti-choice rhetoric), reproductive coercion, disability & aborting due to birth defects, custody laws / adoption, and surrogacy / pregnancy. Please let me know if there is anything else I should include here (and Mods - let me know if you'd like this edited ( Read more... )

laws/legislation, foster care, ableism, bodily autonomy, adoption, pregnancy, birth, abortion

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aflaminghalo March 5 2013, 22:36:48 UTC
"I told them it wasn't their decision to play God."

Because it was hers.

She didn't want to be a mother to the baby, but she wouldn't abort it, despite it not being hers. How did she think this was going to play out? She'd give birth, they'd see the baby and be overcome with love and everything would just turn out like a disney film?


mythrai March 5 2013, 22:52:33 UTC
or it would turn out how it ended up, which was the baby was adopted by a family who did want it.


aflaminghalo March 5 2013, 23:04:31 UTC
Still not her call to make.


myswtghst March 6 2013, 03:44:58 UTC
Why not, exactly? Her body, her decision not to have an elective medical procedure she didn't want to undergo.


aflaminghalo March 6 2013, 18:06:47 UTC
The one she didn't want to undergo for less than $15k?


haildorothygale March 6 2013, 21:45:15 UTC
The one she didn't want to undergo for less than $15k?
Yep, that was shitty, and certainly says something about her as a person.

Still doesn't change the fact that she has the right to decide whether or not to have an abortion. Whether or not either of us agree with her reasoning, and despite the fact that this was a situation complicated by her surrogate status, it's her choice to make.


myswtghst March 6 2013, 23:20:14 UTC
While I agree that negotiating wasn't a great move, I also think it's easy to imagine she contemplated going through with the abortion because she needed the money to support herself and her two born children (and probably contemplated that she might be sued for money she didn't have if she didn't go through with it).


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