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Comments 20

wuvvumsoc November 1 2012, 17:44:45 UTC
This actually reminds me but I always was complaining that they never seem to make cars that are "cute" and maybe in soft or pastel colors. The only car I could think of wanting from aesthetic alone is the Beetle.

I don't think the pink really cuts it for me, though. Still looks like every other car and still doesn't look cute. >:

I could care less about hat, purse and lipstick space, though. I just want an adorable car and I kind of doubt anyone would move in to make those because cars are seen as a masculine thing. I wouldn't be surprised if people would vandalize any cars that were made to be adorable or just get offended by it.


sherlockholmes November 1 2012, 17:48:12 UTC
Is this sarcasm? And I mean that in the sense that -- the Beetle and the Mini are "adorable" cars, but they aren't marketed specifically for women. I'm just...not sure.


wuvvumsoc November 1 2012, 17:55:51 UTC
No. That car doesn't interest me at all and I feel like a lot of cars just don't have that aesthetic I like and there doesn't seem to be a lot of different aesthetics to begin with. Since feminine things are pretty much taken as negative or inferior I'm not surprised they'd consider pink as being enough to make it a woman's car, and that "feminine colors" aren't all that available whether or not they fit my interests.

By the way, my idea of cute is.. hard to find but this comes a little closer. I think of the headlights like eyes and I like them rounded, and things to be rounded out in general. And I know the VW isn't marketed towards women, but it's the only thing I could see as coming close to something like that.


(The comment has been removed)

sophiaserpentia November 1 2012, 18:08:33 UTC
So, do they have safety features appropriate for drivers of average female height? Seatbelts that don't try to choke anyone under 5' 9"?


wuvvumsoc November 1 2012, 18:15:24 UTC
My car doesn't have that problem but that may be because it's so low to the ground that everyone but me (I'm a little on the short side) and kid passengers have trouble getting in.

Still that would be rather useful and I forgot how troublesome seat belts were.

By the way: could seatbelts that go across your neck actually cause more damage than what it's worth in a car crash? Sounds like it would do a number on your shoulder. :/


bowling_otaku November 1 2012, 18:36:47 UTC
Personally I'd rather have a broken collar bone than to go flying through the windshield from having no seatbelt, or a severed aorta or something similarly horrible from wearing only a lap belt. But sometimes I do wish I could adjust my shoulder belt just one or two clicks lower in some cars!


wuvvumsoc November 1 2012, 18:56:05 UTC
I'll always wear my seat belt regardless, I just didn't know if neck versus shoulder may be more dangerous. I looked up seatbelt safety and it said it shouldn't go across the neck so I found my answer.


bowling_otaku November 1 2012, 18:39:09 UTC
Wow, I had to check to be sure this wasn't The Onion for a minute there. O.o rme


chasethefeeling November 1 2012, 21:05:43 UTC
Yep, my brain is just going NOPE NOPE NOPE THIS IS NOT FOR REAL


cleotine November 1 2012, 21:32:03 UTC
Generally I think it's a good thing when the car producers think about their female customers and how to advertise their cars to them (that's one reason why I hate so many car adds and will never buy a Volvo). But this... I'm okay with the coloring, it looks okay and if someone wants it, hey I'm not complaining. But everything else? The windshield and the AC thing just leave me a little speechless. I'd rather my AC helps me not to suffer horribly from hayfever every spring...
Bad thing is, I can see that this might me very popular in Japan where women do almost anything if it's labelled 'healthy' or 'keeps you young' (or so it often seems to me).


peiyu November 2 2012, 03:56:23 UTC
I'm going to be horrible and say that the windshield appeals to me. Sounds like a coat of UV protection thingdum. I live in a tropical country and I have female friends who drive around with their arms tucked in a jacket because of the sun. They don't wear it properly but just prop their jacket in front of them after they fasten their seatbelts? Which I don't find it safe actually in case of a car accident, so that would be a great addition methinks.

The AC might actually be one of those 'clean air' technology but marketed to improve your skin which makes me LOL but yeah, Japanese women would love it. (Translation in comment below seems to indicate that the AC purifies the air so I'm totally down with that.)

Not too keen on the branding of the car itself.

p/s: I don't drive.


cleotine November 2 2012, 22:44:41 UTC
Okay, I have to agree to a certain degree. I have a pretty sensitive skin - I sometimes get a nasty rash from too much direct sunlight on long drives. So an UV protection might be nice. But it's not for beauty reasons but solely because that rash itches like hell ^^y


spiffynamehere November 1 2012, 23:54:27 UTC

Someone on ONTD_P apparently went to the Japanese page to translate..


marykaterine November 2 2012, 05:04:39 UTC
Hmm. Interesting. The English article is clearly journalism at its finest.

Thanks for posting the link btw.


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