Australian PM extensively points out the sexism of her opposition.

Oct 10, 2012 07:42

I've not posted to this community before, so I hope this is okay, but I really enjoyed this video. In it, the Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard essentially rips Tony Abbot, the leader of the Opposition, a new one, calling him out on his hypocrisy, misogyny and sexism. australia/new zealand, oceania, politics

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chase_glasslace October 9 2012, 22:09:59 UTC
It is an intense and amazing speech. She said so many things that so many of us have been shouting at our TV screens for ages now, and she said them eloquently and powerfully. The emotion in her voice when she referred to the "died of shame" comments (ugh, fuck Abbott for rehashing that line) was particularly telling. I wish it hadn't been said though in the context of the Peter Slipper debacle because a) the man doesn't deserve a speech like this delivered against a motion for his dismissal by the HOR and b) because his later resignation is stealing news coverage today. Then again, as a tweet that just appeared on my feed says, this speech had as much to do with Slipper "as a superb double-twist somersault does a diving board". Very true.

And I'm also really glad this came hot on the heels of the nightmare that was Q&A on Monday. For those who don't know, the sexism directed against a female MP and Minister on the program was breathtakingly awful and obvious.

I don't vote Labor because of their policies on same-sex marriage and asylum seekers and Gillard, personally, is a disappointment on both those fronts, but that doesn't change the fact that this is 15 minutes of unmitigated awesome.


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