[USA]: Moms with young children and nursing babies need your help with the DNC!

Sep 01, 2012 13:53

We're answering a call to action from the National Organization for Women ~ Pacific Shore OC branch and their venerable (and out bisexual we're mighty proud to say) organizer Zoe Nicholson. It seems that children will not be allowed access on the floor of the Democratic National Convention and that daycare will not be provided for delegates who ( Read more... )

privilege, protests, parenting, north america, maternity, politics, pregnancy

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alltheshooting September 2 2012, 08:16:52 UTC
There should absolutely be on-site child care and I'm gobsmacked by the comments suggesting this isn't an issue. Way to exclude mothers from politics and make them feel unwelcome in feminist spaces


pinkminx September 2 2012, 09:47:23 UTC
Way to welcome mothers, especially poor and disenfranchised mothers without good support networks, to politics. It's great to see all these comments espousing some type of Capitalism Lite as feminism, only, you know, not.


cellared September 3 2012, 00:13:14 UTC
+1 all over the place.


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pinkminx September 2 2012, 17:26:40 UTC
Challenge the status quo, but not too much. I don't know, I'm pretty disillusioned with feminism as a vehicle for personal empowerment when the existing paradigm isn't questioned, just reworked a little bit to swap the oppressor/oppressed around, or to expand the group of haves at the expense of the have-nots.

In this instance, it seems that to get this, you either have to come in from the left side of the political field (or be somebody who's in the habit of trying to disentangle themselves from the system and yelling FUCK YOUR PARADIGM a lot) or, well, have some experience with spawning, what with first hand experience and all.


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pinkminx September 2 2012, 18:51:35 UTC
I think people have been partaking of the YOU CHOSE TO GET ON THE PATRIARCHAL LOVE TRAIN Kool-Aid. You know, that thing that says that if you ever "make a choice" (see: saying "yes" procreating, or being too late with the "no") that comes with its downsides -- nevermind if many of these downsides are structural and not biological -- well, tough luck, you got on that ride yourself, stop whining and get on with the program. Or, as it were, not, stay in the kitchen and stfu ( ... )


guaparella September 2 2012, 15:25:26 UTC


noodledays September 2 2012, 16:19:11 UTC
yep, I'm sort of stunned as well as disappointed.


scullies September 4 2012, 03:33:16 UTC
ugh, thank you.


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