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implodes January 29 2012, 04:26:44 UTC
thanks so much for calling out the use of that phrase - it's SO classist & hurtful.

(in before people start asking why we're focusing on her wording and not the article)


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sisterjune January 29 2012, 21:16:55 UTC
I agree that her word choice was wrong and classist but is it really fair or right to call her a "fake ass feminist"? I mean none of us are perfect and we've all at one point said something we shouldnt say or done something we shouldnt done or not been as empathetic or supportive to our fellow women as we should be. and even aside from that is it really your place to tell a feminist that she's a "fake" because she doesnt perform feminism the way you deem fit? I mean classism and the problems inherent with the world "classy" is not something everyone is aware of or understands. Its a matter of education. Like alot of people dont get what the issue is with words like "crazy" or "lame" It wasnt until I got into the social justice movement that I even knew the harmful history of those words and this was DESPITE being mentally ill and called crazy many times. so the fact that she used "classy" IMO should not automatically discount her being a feminist. yes she should be called out and yes she should edit the post I do not know why she ( ... )


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maynardsong January 30 2012, 02:29:53 UTC
Do you know anything about Hindu mythology? The Ramayana? And what the character Sita went through?


maynardsong January 30 2012, 02:44:02 UTC
Seriously, how dare you presume to tell me "Sita sez bish plz" is not even close to reclamation?


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maynardsong January 30 2012, 02:59:41 UTC
How telling that you didn't respond to my question that dealt with the context of /why/ I chose the handle of "sitasezbishplz", which had everything to do with my Hindu heritage. But being dismissive of minority religions doesn't make you a fake-ass feminist, I guess.


maynardsong January 30 2012, 02:28:36 UTC
Did you comment before or after I changed the title and added an edit here?


sisterjune January 30 2012, 13:46:28 UTC
before you changed it i commented.


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maynardsong January 30 2012, 11:46:06 UTC
You know what else is a keystone tenet of mainstream feminism? Racism and Orientalism. As a South Asian, why the fuck would I be down with "mainstream" feminism? Did you assume I was white? Nice going.


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maynardsong January 30 2012, 12:51:46 UTC
Oh for fuck's... I changed my title and edited. I've conceded your point about classism. I have already explained myself about my user name, which I'm not gonna concede. For all intents and purposes my work is done. I'm sorry I was initially stubborn about "stay classy" so after hearing several people complain I listened and changed it. And added why I changed.


sisterjune January 30 2012, 13:48:02 UTC
what about your username? is there something wrong with it?


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