Because history left unaddressed becomes the present

Oct 16, 2011 20:20

Mods, can we have tags for birth, reproductive justice, and/or midwifery? Also, I thought this was incredibly on-point, and does a fantastic job addressing the racism and classism behind "choosing" a "natural" birth. I actually think this can be extended to breastfeeding and living eco-friendly.This was a quote from my eighth grade history class, ( Read more... )

privilege, class/classism, global women's health, race/racism, bodily autonomy, interview/opinion, health, birth, maternity

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seasontoseason October 17 2011, 14:18:53 UTC
this. While it is a fact-- imo-- that many women in the US who can afford homebirth look down to some degree on others who don't have homebirths, I don't think that should be allowed to define homebirth in some way.

The problem is with access to healthcare. The fact that people latch on to any difference and make of it a status symbol has nothing inherently to do with what homebirth is. And, yes, I think that even the richest, most obnoxious white woman also deserves a good birth experience. For many people that means a home birth.

I think the point the article makes is a good one, in that we should recognize and call out this sort of status-grappling when we can, especially when it is rich white women not realizing that women of color or poorer women can't afford it. And it is also important to notice how anything that people of color or poorer people do, white people seem to eventually appropriate, and only then does it become "hip" or trendy or "natural" (rather than squalid, unsanitary, dangerous).

But, again, I just don't think this whole phenomenon has anything specific to do with homebirth. We can see this mechanism in action with so many things in this culture... and just because it happens doesn't mean we should give up fighting for everyone's rights to have more choices.


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