Why Is Television Losing Women Writers? Veteran Producers Weigh In

Sep 09, 2011 18:21

by Maureen Ryan, posted Sep 8th 2011 11:00AM ( Read more... )

united states, pop culture, television

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cherrydilemma September 9 2011, 23:36:51 UTC
Don't forget the bottle episode. :)


brewsternorth September 10 2011, 00:09:27 UTC
Trufax re: Espenson. She and Doris Egan were at a Q&A at a convention talking about the difference between the UK and US show-writing cultures (when contributing to the Starz edition of "Torchwood"). Boy, did they give good panel. They're going to be back at the next con. I'd love to see what they have to say on the topic of women in showrunning in general.


darth_snarky September 10 2011, 00:38:01 UTC
Jane Espenson is awesome. (I would love to hear more about US/UK showrunning differences. UK television is just done so differently--I mean, what, 6 episodes is a normal season length?--it'd be interesting to hear about what effects that has behind the scenes, including on the diversity of the writing staff.)


brewsternorth September 10 2011, 00:45:57 UTC
I think the key difference that I recall from the panel is that UK writers tend to be given more of a leeway in the first draft, whereas US writers from the get-go are part of "the room". I don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but it does have differing impacts.


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