The Bizarre Pitch For 'The Playboy Club': It's All About Female Empowerment?

Aug 02, 2011 14:05

I didn't enter the NBC session for the new drama The Playboy Club particularly offended by it. To me, it has looked from the start like the network's straightforwardly network-ish attempt to capitalize on Mad Men, more than anything. Eddie Cibrian plays Nick, a very (very) Don-Draper-like guy who hangs around the club smoking and being ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

mswyrr August 3 2011, 03:15:01 UTC
does this show progress? or is it just another way to market women?It's just another way to market women. I honestly don't understand how the PTB throwing around the phrase "female empowerment" so disingenuously even manages to make this a question. It's so fucking obvious they must think people are stupid indeed to buy their bullshit PR line ( ... )


serious_mccoy August 3 2011, 03:17:56 UTC
"I hate everything about this disgusting postfeminist crap, basically."

Yep, basically. I saw the title of the post and immediately rolled my eyes, like "Oh, great, this again."


mswyrr August 3 2011, 03:23:28 UTC
Apparently they've gotten the memo from Fox News/the Republican party that repeating blatant lies enough will make some people believe them or at least consider your "position" a credible interpretation of fact when it is in fact a complete fucking asspull.


darth_snarky August 4 2011, 07:20:45 UTC
I had the same impression that this was a NBC's poor man's Mad Men. I think, actually, having the spectre of Mad Men floating around makes this all even worse: it's a show that actually empathizes with the female characters and the discrimination they face. Peggy's whole plotline is about genuine empowerment. I think it's rather sad that people see Mad Men and think what's worth copying is the swanky sixities fashions and midday martinis and not all the rich stuff beneath the surface.

I enjoy soapy trash, but I don't enjoy being told the same old same old is empowering. My chances of watching this just went from a low maybe to not at all.


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