ORACLE Is Stronger Than BATGIRL Will Ever Be

Jun 09, 2011 21:27

 For those that do not keep up with the world of comics, DC is rebooting their universe and among the changes being made is Barbara Gordon aka Oracle getting out of her wheelchair and becoming able-bodied to fight as Batgirl again. The announcements are here and here.

ORACLE Is Stronger Than BATGIRL Will Ever Be
By Jill Pantozzi

Who’s your symbol for strength in the DC universe? I’m sure a lot of you are thinking Superman or Batman right now. They’ve certainly got the physical strength and fortitude to make them the perfect candidates. While Batman is my all-time favorite character in comics, he’s not the first person I look to when I need to be reminded to keep fighting in this world. For that I look to Oracle.

For those of you who aren’t aware, I’m 28-years-old, I’m a natural redhead and I’ve spent the last fourteen years or so using a wheelchair. I’m not paralyzed like Barbara Gordon, I have a disease called Muscular Dystrophy. There are over 40 different types of MD, I have one that is referred to specifically as Spinal Muscular Atrophy. It’s a degenerative disease that, with different levels of severity, causes progressive muscle deterioration and weakness on all aspects of the human body. I say I started using a wheelchair fourteen years ago, prior to that, my body was able to withstand walking the distances I needed to go. That hasn’t been the case for a while and things are only downhill from here unless science finally has a breakthrough. I know it will happen, I was part of a drug study just last year to help further things along, but will it happen in my lifetime? There’s no guarantee.

I’m not telling you all this to get your sympathy or pity. That’s truly the last thing I want. This is my life, it always has been, I don’t know anything else. I don’t know what it’s like to walk up a flight of stairs un-aided or get up off of the floor after falling. This is my reality and I have adapted over the years to do the best I can. I’m giving you this background, firstly for awareness but also so you know how deeply the news of Barbara Gordon no longer being Oracle affects me personally. Oracle is my symbol. Just like Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are symbols for many others. Hell, Superman became a symbol for some of the disabled community when actor Christopher Reeve was paralyzed. But Superman isn’t disabled. Superman can fly, run and jump better than any person ever could. And that will always be the case.

Read more at Newsrama

NOTE: I have edited this post to add some tags which I forgot to do originally.

pop culture, ableism, graphic novels/comics, what kind of fuckery is this?

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