Children at risk from stepdads [trigger warning for discussion of child abuse]

May 08, 2011 11:13

In the wake of Serenity Scott-Dinnington's death, we examine the safety of children raised by men who are not their real fathers. Sarah Harvey reports.

BABY SERENITY Scott-Dinnington died from brain injuries sustained during a violent incident at her home in Ngaruawahia 10 days ago. She was just six months old.

Now child advocates say that ( Read more... )

parenting, !discussion post, children, australia/new zealand, oceania, child abuse/neglect, domestic violence, what kind of fuckery is this?

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roseofjuly May 10 2011, 02:51:14 UTC
Also, if something is true, it's not a "scare tactic."

Not necessarily. It depends on the way that it's said. A scare tactic is, quite literally, a tactic used to scare someone into doing what the speaker wants them to do.


roseofjuly May 10 2011, 02:49:34 UTC
I don't think that's what the original commenter was implying.

I think they were referring to this:

Father and Child Trust Auckland support worker Brendon Smith said biological fathers were "virtually a guarantee the child won't die".

He said as well as the child's welfare, that of the mother, was improved by having the father involved in the child's life.

Not only is this not true (as the article even notes, biological fathers harm their children at an alarming rate too), but her statement that biological fathers "virtually guarantee the child won't die" can be construed as manipulating mothers into staying with the biological fathers of their children regardless of those circumstances. The speaker doesn't stop to consider that maybe the bio father was abusive himself.


velvet_tipping May 10 2011, 22:36:01 UTC

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