My scary experience...

May 02, 2011 20:12

Hi - I am a bit nervous about posting this but I really need to talk about my experience... :/  If this is not OK feel free to delete this as you wish.

I am on a roadtrip in the US, alone, and up until that event today I was feeling really good.

Gonna put this under a cut since it might be triggering.

Keep in mind that I was using my car's cruise control, so my speed was set and there were very little fluctuations.  I had one foot on the brake pedal for safety reasons.

A truck passes me, going to a faster speed, nothing out of the ordinary there.  But then for some reason he slowed down a little and I was now going faster than it so when I get close I get on the left lane to pass it.  No problem, you'd say?  Well, this guy didn't like that at all.  He started honking at me like mad and it startled me a little.  But I went on with my driving and passed him.  About half a mile later the same truck comes up behind me and passes me.  Same thing happens - he slows down and I now I'm stuck behind him again.  Not changing my speed I get on the left lane to pass him again.

This is what happened:  He honked and honked at me.  Then he accelerated, got to my right, opened his window and when I looked, he was waving his penis at me.  I'd never felt this violated in my life.  I still have panic attacks thinking about it.  It scared me shitless.  I accelerated way over the maximum speed and drove away as fast as I could from that mad man.  I was terrified and for miles I kept looking for that truck in my rearview mirror.

I wish I could get rid of these images imprinted in my mind...  And now I wish I was home and never, ever had left.  I am far away from home feeling like shit.  I feel like crying and I am all alone.  Damn it :(

I am not sure about the tags I used...

original content, united states, rape/sexual assault, what kind of fuckery is this?

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