TW For Slut Shaming, References To Rape

Apr 19, 2011 20:14

Parents, Don't Dress Your Girls Like Tramps, writes columnist LZ Granderson at


  • LZ Granderson: Some parents dress their young girls in provocative outfits
  • Retailers have encouraged this behavior by marketing inappropriate clothing
  • He says it's OK to blame retailers, but it's parents who are ultimately responsible
  • Children need ( Read more... )

fashion/modeling, parenting, rape/sexual assault, what kind of fuckery is this?, children, body image

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teleens_journal April 20 2011, 15:04:55 UTC
All of this - thank you for expressing it better than I did.


strong_delicate April 20 2011, 15:05:05 UTC
I cringed at the suggestion that this 8 year old was the sexiest person in the airport or whatever he said. *shudders*


maynardsong April 20 2011, 15:33:46 UTC
Me too. I saw it coming and ughhhh she's EIGHT why was it relish and not being unnerved that I was getting in the first few sentence???? D:


gretchystretchy April 20 2011, 15:11:48 UTC
The problem I have with "modesty", I guess, is that there are too many interpretations. And I don't agree with the notion that women need to be modest because men can't control themselves, which is something I've been taught my entire life.

This, definitely.


varioussorrows April 20 2011, 15:30:21 UTC
I was definitely squicked out by his description of her.

It worries me that young girls seem to be fed the idea that there worth is in their appearance, but this reeks of slut shaming and the potential for victim blaming.


maynardsong April 20 2011, 15:34:08 UTC
Me too. Like, seriously? That read like pedophilia.


varioussorrows April 20 2011, 15:39:09 UTC
I suspect he did it for shock value and to make the reader think it was an adult he was talking about, but didn't it occur to him he was describing a *child*?

*Apologies for my horrendous there/their mistake.


pinkminx April 20 2011, 15:50:34 UTC
Author sounds like a rape apologist. Eight-year-olds are not sexy by the sheer reason they're eight year old, ffs.

Plus modesty wtf, agreed. A certain degree of humbleness (openness to criticism, really) is fine as is learning that some things are considered inappropriate in public. But modesty, fuck no. What does it even mean, demureness in the eyes of god? In the eyes of society? Not making eye contact too readily? Covering naughty body parts and not looking too, what's the word, available? Or too adult? It's a problematic word and concept, and one I'd be happy to see completely abolished.


dyingalittle April 20 2011, 17:46:48 UTC
Agreed 100%. The answer to one form of social pressure is not replacing it with another.


pinkminx April 20 2011, 20:25:18 UTC

I sincerely wish that more feminist/pro woman/whatever-identified people would get this.


roseofjuly April 22 2011, 01:24:49 UTC
Not only that, but he seemed to describe things as sexual that are not anything sexual at all. How do earrings dangle playfully from her earlobes? What's wrong with earrings and cornrows and a halter top? Someone in another community commented that she grew up wearing halter tops in her conservative Christian family, but no one thought to question it because there isn't anything remotely sexy about an 8-year-old in a halter top. I tend to agree.


teleens_journal April 22 2011, 01:34:39 UTC


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