"Why Feminism Is the Anti-Viagra"--Or, why bother sourcing your sweeping generalizations?

Apr 10, 2011 18:30

(Trigger warning for mention of rape fantasies/scenarios)

"The majority of women have submission fantasies. From classic romance The Flame and The Flower to classic erotica The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty to Twilight BDSM fan fiction, submission themes are immensely popular in cross-cultural female erotica. The fact of the matter is that most heterosexual women are wired to find sexual submission arousing--and so are most female mammals.
"...On the other hand, most men are aroused by being dominant, as evidenced by the massive cross-cultural popularity of dominance-themed adult Web sites for men. These include some of the most inventive and varied genres of male erotica, such as hypnotism porn (where Svengalis hypnotize woman into having sex), drunk porn (where men trick inebriated women into having sex), sleep porn (where men take advantage of sleeping women), and a wide diversity of exploitation porn (where women exchange sexual favors for school books, a ride, or a rent-free apartment)."

Read more at Psychology Today.

I'd be interested to see some numbers backing up this contention that "the majority" of women (of all women? American women? what?) have rape fantasies. This is a blog post, not a published article from PT, but wow... am I remiss in wishing there was some actual information backing any of this up, instead of an anecdote from a romance novelist and some evolutionary biology essentialism involving rats?

I'd also note that none of this explains the statement that feminism is the "anti-Viagra," since most of the feminists I know are deeply in touch with their sexualities to the point of putting vaginas on cupcakes... but perhaps backing up a pithy title is too much to ask for from this author.
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