art post!

Apr 07, 2011 20:30

I was surprised to see this on the front page of BBC news online, and thought actually seeing a woman artist acknowledged in mainstream news was worthy of a post. :p

An exhibition of surreal - and sometimes controversial - art by US-born Nancy Fouts opens this week at the new London art gallery co-founded by the actor Sean Pertwee. Photo: Purse with Teeth (2010)

For her artworks, Fouts often marries together two unrelated objects, leaving the viewer to interpret their meaning. Fouts (pictured) says: "I hoard stuff in boxes and then I lay it all out and many ideas happen like that."

Fouts re-engineers her chosen objects, transforming each one into a surprise version of itself. She says: "It's not deep, but it is entertaining and it makes people smile."

Fouts often explores the theme of freedom and release using stuffed mice and birds. The Pertwee, Anderson and Gold gallery launched in February inside a former Soho recording studio and is run by the actor Sean Pertwee and Simon Anderson and James Golding. Photo: Mouse Bulbs Series, Dave (2011)

Sean Pertwee (pictured) says: "What I love about Nancy's work is way she makes the ordinary extraordinary, and her humour. Everything she does is beautifully engineered and made." The coffin in the photo forms a central part of the exhibition, and was driven round London in a hearse earlier this week as a publicity stunt. (This one is my fav, ngl.)

Toothbrush (2010) (wut)

Nancy Fouts says: "My work is not a comment on religion, nature or indeed anything, it is all about manipulating the object to realise my idea. Everything starts with the idea." Picture: Madonna and Teddy Bear (2010)

In Holy War (2010), religious motifs have been added to a sculpture of a hand grenade, juxtaposing religion and conflict. Artist Nancy Fouts lives in London and studied at both the Chelsea College and Royal College of Art.

Not a commentary on religion, eh?


What do y'all think of Fouts, ontd_f? What current or past under-represented artists are you a fan of?

art/art history

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