gypsies in the news~

Apr 08, 2011 00:13

Cuz someone in anon asked me to do a ~gypsy news~ round-up again, lol :3 ( Read more... )

class/classism, europe, race/racism, romani, education, politics

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ditdatdo April 8 2011, 00:45:01 UTC
Thanks for this, especially for the Dale Farm article - I live relatively nearby. The amount of blind, ignorant hatred towards that site I generally encounter from people around here and the local media just sickens me.


graspthethorn April 8 2011, 04:33:53 UTC
the dale farm situation is so horrible
i fucking hate this government so much
i mean, even labour are like "THIS IS ETHNIC CLEANSING STOP IT" now
but the tories refuse to catch on ughhhh


ditdatdo April 8 2011, 05:51:14 UTC
Agreed. Hiding behind that pathetic green belt excuse doesn't make ripping up that community in any way okay. The council wouldn't have given a damn if some random local people had built on that land. Ugh, fucking Tories.


madwitch April 8 2011, 06:03:47 UTC
Dale Farm belongs to them, it's not like they're living on someone else's land. Why shouldn't they live there, they paid for it.

Tories never catch on.


graspthethorn April 8 2011, 06:07:58 UTC
that's what makes it even more infuriating tbh
like ~yeh sure you can own the land but don't you dare try and live on it you silly little gypsies


madwitch April 8 2011, 08:27:31 UTC
Thatcher once referred to travellers as "modern primitives", and said that she intended to to everything she could to make things difficult for them (I do have the exact quote, but it's in a book and I can't find it online). Cameron is just baby Thatcher. This is not to say that Labour were great about this when they were in government, but they were not this bad.


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