Police Minister Calls for Prison Rape for Christchurch Earthquake Looters

Feb 27, 2011 13:23

[...] Police Minister Judith Collins said the actions of looters was akin to "people who rob the dead".

She expected to see the judiciary throw the book at looters.

"I hope they go to jail for a long time - with a cellmate."

Full article here.

Because apparently, it's okay for a member of our Government to publicly wish rape on somebody.

Judith Collins' contact details. I've already sent a strongly worded email.

Also, mods - is there any chance of getting a "Down Under" or "Australia/New Zealand/Pasifika" tag? We don't seem to be geographically covered :)

prison, the 'justice' system, rape/sexual assault, police misconduct, sit the fuck down, australia/new zealand, oceania, what kind of fuckery is this?

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