Study Concludes that Everything Wrong in the World is the Fault of Women

Feb 08, 2011 17:48

Study Concludes That Working Moms Make Kids Fat

The more mothers work, the fatter their kids get. The solution is obviously to live in a world where, magically, economic necessity doesn't dictate that two parents earn incomes in order to adequately support children. Be richer, moms!

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago and a little place called "Cornell" (you ever heard of it?) followed 900 children and found that those with working mothers had slightly higher BMI's than other children.

Increased television viewing wasn't responsible for the change in BMI, nor was a decrease in physical activity responsible. Rather, researchers surmised that perhaps the uptick in body mass has to do with the interrupted sleep and eating patterns of children of working moms, since obviously fathers can't be bothered to do stuff like feed the kids or make sure they get to bed on time or take them to school.

Read the full article at Jezebel.

Hello ONTD_Fem. It's been a while. Let's discuss this charming article. 

class/classism, children, work/employment

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