05.01.2011 gypsies in the news

Jan 06, 2011 04:36

For some reason today was super busy with gypsy news, so I thought I'd lump it all in together and maybe we can ~chat about it.
So yeh, here's 05.01.2011 gypsy style~

~*~ )

europe, race/racism, romani, education

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zeborahnz January 6 2011, 05:16:25 UTC
Yay Turkey!

The France one reminds me a couple of days ago I read an article about the poor widdle non-gypsies whose yurts got caught up as 'criminal' when the racial-discrimination serial numbers were filed off the act, and who are now shocked, shocked and dismayed that they're being lumped in With the gypsies. I can't find the original article, but the text at Treehugger is identical to my memory. (The first two comments notice this issue, but beyond that gets nasty.)


graspthethorn January 6 2011, 05:29:32 UTC
Here's where the trouble starts: many yurt dwellers are afraid that this legislation will be used against them. They fear that they are being put in the same category as the Roma which are being singled out by President Sarkozy as a menace to society

lmao, o no the poor hippies and their appropriated yurts~
ty for directing me to that article bc i hadn't seen it and omg it is a thing of beauty.


jiaren_shadow January 7 2011, 03:40:43 UTC
IKR? Poor widdle trust-fund hippies.

I went to a summer camp/go to a college filled with trust-fund hippies, and they annoy me to no end. Maybe I'm being hypocritical since I'm more or less from the same social class as they are (and perhaps I'm giving off that vibe of "but I'm a GOOD white/rich person!"; if I am I apologize for my dickery), but that whole attitude of "lalala not giving a shit about deportation of gypsies from their homes by the French government---OH HOLD THE FUCK UP THEY'RE GOING TO MAKE ME MOVE OUT OF THE YURT I BOUGHT WITH MY PARENTS' MONEY AND THE BULLDOZERS MIGHT SMASH MY $500 BONG. INJUSTICE, I SAY!" is so odious to me.


azetburcaptain January 6 2011, 06:59:31 UTC
I'm mean so I laughed. Also lol that picture.


fruhlings January 6 2011, 11:14:52 UTC
lol @ the appropriative hipsters (but really, who's surprised?).


imnotasquirrel January 7 2011, 14:29:33 UTC
Strange that the whole thing is basically a story on how middle class whites might get disturbed, with the unnerving assumption that there’s no comment to be made on the gypsy deportation, nor the legislation being made to reinforce such deportation. "Hold on! This awful racist piece of legislation might affect me, and that’s not right!”

The situation is basically "people we like being inadvertently caught up in racial discrimination", so why is there no focus on the discrimination?! It's like writing an article on how apartheid laws might accidentally impact on whites.

Right on, first commenter.


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