trigger warning for an appalling attitude toward the rape accusations against Julian Assange

Dec 16, 2010 11:12

Julian Assange, founder and commander in chief of Wikileaks, appears to have replaced Iran, al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the rest of the world’s wily evildoers as the number-one threat to U.S. security. In fact, we seem to be at war with Assange and his network of allies, a network that seems to be growing faster than the roster terrorists we’re creating with our ham-fisted war on terrorism.

According to the Pentarchy-pliant New York Times, we’re witnessing the start of a “cyberwar” against “hundreds of Internet activists” who have “mounted retaliatory attacks” on Web sites that they deem “hostile” to Wikileaks and Assange. From the sound and fury the war mongrels are channeling through the media, you’d think Assange had supplanted Osama bin Laden as American’s most-wanted boogey man.

What's all this, then?
The national security noise generators would have us think that the only real difference between Assange and bin Laden is that we have Assange in custody. Well, our British lapdogs have him in custody. If you could call Assange’s arrest a capture. He turned himself in. But you can safely bet a shiny decimal tuppence that half of Scotland Yard put itself in for the George Cross the second Assange walked through the front door of his local bobby shop.

According to the U.K.’s Guardian, British District Judge Howard Riddle refused Assange bail on the grounds that he “might fail to surrender.” Um. Riddle me this, Judge: why are you worried Assange won’t surrender when he just, like, did?

Assange’s incarceration supposedly has nothing to do with Wikileaks’ recent dump of embarrassing State Department documents. It’s all about a Swedish warrant for his arrest on charges by two women of sexual misconduct. One might wonder how any sort of sexual behavior could be viewed as “misconduct” in Sweden, but fortunately we have Swedish attorney Gemma Lindfield, an “experienced extradition practicioner,” to explain things for us.

The first complainant, “Miss A,” accused Assange of “using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.” I hadn’t heard that Sweden outlawed the missionary position, but I guess the Swedes can’t have it getting out that anyone in their country is having plain old vanilla envelope sex.

Miss A also alleges that Assange "sexually molested" her without a condom when it was her "express wish" one should be used. How often does something like that happen in Sweden? Just about never, huh? Wouldn’t that be your guess? And I bet when something like that does happen, the Swedish Bikini Team threatens to go on strike until the Swedish justice system sets things right.

Miss A also charged that Assange “deliberately molested” her "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity." Jesus in a hoop skirt. This is starting to remind me of a joke I heard in the Navy about the blind Buddhist monk the Siamese geishas. It sounds to me like Miss A got her watertight integrity violated and she’s mad as a herd of homeless hornets because she’d been saving it for Mr. Right.

The other complainant, “Miss W,” charges that Assange had sex with her without wearing a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home. Hm. Now, if she was asleep, how did she know… And how did Assange get into her Stockholm home while she was asleep if he didn’t have his own…

And hey, do you suppose Miss A and Miss W filed charges against Assange before or after they found out about each other?
Oh, never mind. I shouldn’t make light of this. Judge Riddle says these are “serious allegations.” I guess he’s never heard of this kind of behavior happening in England. It’s probably never come before his bench in all the time he’s been sleeping on it.

Source, some liberal fanboy blog that I don't deign to name because I don't want to give it traffic, it goes on and on

Fuck you, Pen and Sword, how do you not understand the difference between missionary position and using one's body weight to hold the other person down? How do you not understand that realizing the other person isn't wearing a condom is absolutely grounds for withdrawing consent. And how do you realize that even if you've had consensual sex with someone, it's still rape if they have sex with you while you're SLEEPING? How do you not realize that you can feel as if someone's had sex with you and if you weren't feeling that way before you went to bed, you can logically conclude you got raped in your sleep? Flames on the side of my face.

rape/sexual assault, what kind of fuckery is this?

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