Questions I Want To Ask Entitled Cis Het Men

Dec 02, 2010 01:14

Over the summer, I wrote a 3500-word piece about masculinity. It touched on some themes I’ve messed around with before, most notably in my reviews of the Sex+++ documentaries “Private Dicks: Men Exposed” and “Boy I Am.” I fondly hoped that I might be able to do something “real” with it, but I’ve gotten rather immersed in my work here in Africa - and I’ve been having some trouble keeping up with America, due to irregular Internet access. Today, I managed to catch up with some of my blogroll and saw that Audacia Ray recently posted some thoughts about masculinity, including excellent links to various new frontiers in the masculinity conversation. Looks like the topic is really heating up - finally! I’ve been obsessing about it off and on for years, and it’s exciting to think that people might finally talk to me about it.

So, rather than letting my masculinity piece languish under a rug - since I’ll probably never be able to do anything official with it before the conversation moves on, anyway - I’m just going to serialize it here. (I’d post the whole thing at once, but I don’t want to inflict 3500 words on everyone’s blog reader!)

Read the rest at Clarisse Thorne's blog

The article is three parts long, plus a follow up.
I just realised it is a year old but it just recently popped up on my tumblr and I thought it might make for interesting reading and discussion.

privilege, masculinities

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