today's writer's block question really effed up

Nov 19, 2010 01:13

I hope this post is considered appropriate discussion in the comm.

Yeah so today's writer's block question is:

If you were the TSA at Hogwarts, which Harry Potter character would you pat down, and why?

Um ... is it just me or does this feels really triggering and creepy? I DON'T want to imagine myself as a TSA. And this feels like it's normalizing what the TSA does, and I've noticed a lot of answers tend to be people saying they'd pat down so-and-so student because they're attractive and "omg I have a crush on Cedric Diggory" and all that shit, which is really fucked up. And why would you want to add in the little 'and why?' to the question? So it's widely acknowledged and acceptable that the purpose of the TSA pat down isn't just for the sake of security? And a "TSA pat down" can now be an euphemism for other stuff too? :O In Hogwarts, where the majority are kids? It's okay for this stuff to get incorporated into pop culture? Really?

Edit: So they deleted the question pretty fast without any acknowledgment that they fucked up. So we're supposed to just sweep this under the rug and pretend it didn't happen? Oh really


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