Blog post on children and cross-gendered Halloween costumes

Nov 04, 2010 17:35

My son is gay
Posted: November 2, 2010 by Cop's Wife

Or he’s not. I don’t care. He is still my son. And he is 5. And I am his mother. And if you have a problem with anything mentioned above, I don’t want to know you.

I have gone back and forth on whether I wanted to post something more in-depth about my sweet boy and his choice of Halloween costume. Or more specifically, the reactions to it. I figure if I’m still irked by it a few days later, I may as well go ahead and post my thoughts.

continue reading at the source:

This post has been making the rounds on Facebook and while i think the title is a little misleading (and possibly conflating being gay with being trans), I'm glad she stood up for her kid.  The child's apprehension about the costume and awareness (at such a young age) of intolerance broke my heart. The reactions of the other mothers is a sad reminder of how the seeds of bullying are sown (and an excellent example of concern trolling is there too).

Also a warning: most of the comments at the site are fine, but there are a couple extremely transphobic and homophobic ones sprinkled throughout.

parenting, transphobia, gender construction, homophobia

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