Brazilian "adventure tours" (title changed for triggers)

Oct 21, 2010 00:07

Trigger warning for rape and trafficking

Is Your Amazon Cruise All-Inclusive of Child Rape?

More and more Brazilian teens are reporting some tour operators are selling Amazon cruise "adventure tours" that are all inclusive of more than just food, booze, and entrance fees. They also include several child sex slaves, available 24 hours a day for the duration of the trip. Is your tour operator including sex with children in his itinerary?

Several young girls, mostly ages 13 to 19, who live in rural parts of Brazil around the Amazon have reported being trapped on American tour boats and forced to take drugs and have sex with American men for days at a time. The girls all claim they were approached by a tour operator and offered a job on a boat, usually cleaning up after or cooking for American tourists. They took the jobs, but when they arrived on the boat, their uniform was a bikini and their duties were to have sex with all the men on board. The girls were fed drugs and alcohol until they became compliant (or unconscious) so the men who bought them could have sex with them. Many of the girls were held on these boats for days at a time before being dumped back in their villages, sometimes with a small earning and sometimes with nothing. And sometimes, with an unwanted pregnancy.

According to the growing population of complainants, all the men on the boats spoke English and are presumed to be American. In the U.S., these tours are billed as hunting and fishing adventures or "eco-tours" of the Amazon. But in reality, the primary attraction is the child sex tourism component of the trip. One tour operator is currently being investigated by the FBI and Brazilian law enforcement for allegedly offering $4500 luxury yacht packages, not inclusive of airfare but including all the local children you can rape. According to one operator,

"I mean, it's a third world country and you can do whatever you want. You know if you want to do a party it's not like here - you can't touch, you can't look - you can do whatever the f**k you want [there]."

Child sex tours like these are planned and executed all over the world, in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Central and South America especially. But ethical travel and tourism industry professionals and companies are poised to identify and fight child sex tourists, criminal tour operators, and human trafficking in a unique way. Currently, several major airlines are considering incorporating human trafficking training and prevention programs into their companies. Please, take a moment to encourage airlines to help ground human trafficking.

A well-trained airline industry is an important step towards stopping child sex cruises of the Amazon. Because no tour should ever include child sex trafficking as one of its perks.

source: There's also a petition at the source

latin america, rape/sexual assault

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