I Don't ♥ Patriarchy: Thoughts on Breast Cancer Awareness

Oct 13, 2010 01:19

Not too long ago, I saw a sorority girl on my university campus wearing a T-shirt that read "I ♥ Boobies" with a pink ribbon below the text. This past week, I noticed an obnoxious load of Internet postings from female friends about where they "like it," or what color their bras are. While hunting for a parking spot a few days ago, I coincidentally parked next to a car with a "Save the Ta-Tas" bumper sticker. As the daughter of a survivor and the niece of two beloved aunts who died of breast cancer, I don't find anything cute about sexualizing the disease to promote awareness. I wanted nothing more than to rip that disgusting sticker off of his/her car. Instead, I left the driver an anonymous Post-It note, informing him/her of how offensive his/her bumper sticker is to breast cancer victims, survivors and their families. Given that October is breast cancer awareness month, how many more cars, T-shirts, and Internet waste will be plastered with ridiculous slogans that trivialize such a terrible disease?

Read the rest by Hoda at the source

global women's health, femininities, body image

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