Arpaio Arrests Dozens in SB 1070 Protests

Aug 01, 2010 14:31

July 29 was a day of civil unrest across the country as hundreds took to the streets to protest Arizona's SB 1070. In Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio wasted no time rounding up protesters. A total of at least 50 people were arrested in Phoenix after peacefully confronting police dressed in riot gear, including several journalists covering the story, as well as faith leaders and at least one formerly elected official. Arpaio's office even had to postpone an immigration sweep scheduled for last night because his officers were too busy rounding up arrested marchers.

The actions in Phoenix began at dawn as protesters marched to Arpaio's office chanting," Sheriff Joe, we are here, we will not live in fear." The sheriff has taken criticism for years because of his frequent immigration sweeps and treatment of detainees.

As marchers gathered outside a Phoenix courthouse and blocked entry to a local jail, Arpaio demonstrated his landmark hubris.
"My deputies will arrest them and put them in pink underwear," Arpaio said, referring to one of his odd methods of punishment for prisoners. "Count on it."

More at Colorlines

protests, the 'justice' system, race/racism

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