Want to Stop Teen Sexting? Try Teaching Girls Self-Respect

Jul 02, 2010 19:54

Self-respect is a dying art. This thought was solidified when I heard the latest gossip in my school of the sex video going around of a fellow female student with two other guys.

As we see a rise in "sexting" and the CDC saying that one in four teenage girls has an STD, I can't help but feel depressed and frustrated . So how did we get this way and better yet how are we to combat this issue?

At my high school, I have sat through the numerous internet safety lectures. "Once it's out there you can never get it back." This doesn't seem to stop many girls from taking pictures of themselves topless or lying spread eagle while their boyfriend snaps pictures. I don't mean to insult the numerous organizations and police departments who send speakers to scare us straight, but it simply isn't working. If a girl is in "love" and they are going to be together "forever" I doubt she is thinking of the consequences it will have on her future. So if scaring us straight doesn't work what will?

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I see what the author is saying, but for some reason, it isn't sitting right with me. Well, it is, MOSTLY, but part of me feels like there's a Madonna-Whore dichotomy being reinforced, and more problematic framing of female sexuality, as if posing for straight men were the only way women could express sexuality, and that women can't desire sex without emotion. IDK. Help a n00b out?

body image, sex

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