women & atheism

Apr 07, 2010 02:22

An interesting, if flawed, article to kick off the discussion~

"Atheists Need a Different Voice"
USA Today, Dec. 7, 2009

"[...]Today, most Americans associate unbelief with the old-boys network of New Atheists, but there is a new generation of unbelievers emerging, some of them women and most of them far friendlier than Hitchens and his ilk. Although the arguments of angry men gave this movement birth, it could be the stories of women that allow it to grow up [...]


So what roles do women play in atheism (and theism, for that matter)? Why are Dawkins, Hitchens, and Harris the face of atheism, skepticism, and non-belief in popular culture and why do we allow a small group of white men speak on our behalf?

Inspired by this thread.

science, religion

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