So, we're all familiar with our Olympian boys partying out like rock stars and almost living like them. They get to travel the world, compete, have interviews, magazine spreads, free food, get a stipend just to train for the Olympics and various other big time competitions from the USOC and US Speedskating, and if they win medals -- very nice
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Definitely my least favorite thing about the winter olympics. I love the sports but I hate how inaccessible they are and how much more privilege (even than usual) generally goes into becoming a competitor.
OTOH you can be a curler and hold down a regular job! I think some of the sliding sports people do as well.
I'm just trying not to look at the money going out into this sport because if I did, I'd probably quit. I'm not even a month in and I've spent so much in traveling, equipment, this and that.... Also, its off season too so I fear how much its going to cost me when we start back in competitions again.
I don't know why all the cool awesome sports gotta be the most expensive sports :(
And I do the same. If I counted every penny, I'd quit. I can't let this be about the money. Fencing is everything I've ever wanted to do with my life. From the day I started swinging sticks around in my front yard pretending to be a pirate, I just...knew. This is what I was meant to do. When you know, you know.
I have a feeling our work will pay off for us. From your comments, you seem very dedicated to the sport. And I want it to work out for you! I better see you in the Olympics one day so I can go "DAT ASSSSS".
P.S. I should add that nearly $500 of that $2k was from me fucking up my knee and needing to see a sport's medicine specialist. Tie your shoes, kids.
I think the biggest deterrence from anything is money. Like, that's why I gave up on a lot of things: It cost too much money and I believed that I'd never have the money to continue it. But, lately, I stopped looking. I still worry about it, but whatever. Sacrifices have to be made.
LOL. omg, hahahahahah. I don't think I'll ever be Olympic good. I wish though, so I can just go DAT ASS when JR skates lmaooooooo
I don't know why, but whenever I think of DAT ASS, I think of the Single Ladies song. idk idk
LOL... jesus.... and now I just had mental images of the ST boys dancing to that music video while Simon fist pumps in the corner. ahahahahha /crack
I've definitely noticed that it's more expensive to fence post-HS than it was. But, I'm lucky in that I have a lot of support to keep me going.
"You're only born knowing how to learn".
You should give it a shot!
Seriously, this is so different from regular ice skating that it doesn't matter if you stumble or not. Just skating crouched down with your hands behind your back is going to throw you off.
If it makes you feel better, I currently get out raced by a 7 year old. He's my ragespiration to beat. 8D
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