Excuse me for recycling a pic and the sucky post. I'm rushing.
I'm a very, very excited for this. It's awesome.
World of Adventure Sports starts in less than an hour at 5:00pm EST. You can find out more about what will be featured in this episode + the airing schedule for the rest of the year in
this post.
I know it's already aired for some of you. If you missed parts you can watch it again when it comes on at 5.
NBC feed ETA:
Has the hockey game gone overtime? I'm pretty sure I saw part of the title sequence for WOAS then it went back to hockey.
Hmmmm, I don't think they're showing it. I just checked the tv listings on yahoo and I guess they moved the time to 2 and now's the Stanley Cup Playoff :/ Oh, well.
Ooops, I missed WOAS tweet a few days ago that it was going to be at 2 instead. This sucks. Sorry bbs You can watch the Crashed Ice finals
here though.
Next WOAS is on June 13th
Anyway, we're having a viewing pot for Rob Dyer's (Skate4Cancer) Ustream at 9 tonight. It will be in the same viewing post as for The B movie at 8.